Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Lessons based on Mufasa and Scar's conversation

Brought to you by petition to give Forgotten Disney More Love

Inspired by: Mufasa and Scar's conversation

Scene Summary: Zazu flies in to tell Scar that Mufasa is coming. Mufasa questions why Scar was not at the celebration for Simba. Scar tries to make excuses and it escalates into an argument, then he leaves.


Lesson 1

Think of some calming techniques for when you're mad at some one. You could breathe, take a walk, or right down your feelings.

Lesson 2

Learn about compromises. How can you make both people happy?

Lesson 3

Think about a past argument you've had. What could have you done differently?

More fun related to this scene



Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Lessons based on Circle of Life Opening

Brought to you by petition to give Forgotten Disney More Love

Inspired by: Lion King Opening Circle of Life

Scene summary: The Animals of the Pride Lands gather around for the birth of Simba, the son of King Mufasa and Queen Sarabi.Rafiki, the wise mandrill shaman takes baby Simba and raises him for all of the animals to seek, and they cheer. Simba will one day be their new king.

New Sibling\Family Member 

Sometimes a new family member or sibling can be hard on a child, as they feel they will get less love. It is important to love your child and reassure them the baby won't take their place. Here are some activities that could help. 

Lesson 1

One thing a child can do is write or draw the fun things they can do with the new family member.

Lesson 2

Talk to the child about how much fun it was like when they were a baby. Maybe show some pictures or home video of them. Include stories of other  family members as babies as well.


Lesson 1

Take some toy animals and line them up to see the new prince. They don't even have to be African animals. You can print off some facts online of the animals, or even get a book and teach facts to your child.

Here are some places to print off facts

Lesson 2 

Here are some fun animal games to play and learn from.

Lesson 3 

Lions are important animals in the movie. Here are some fun things to learn about lions, and more general lion fun

More fun related to this scene



Broadway Version




Brought to you by petition to give Forgotten Disney More Love

Welcome to Learning with Lion King, a site made by a fan to show lessons that can be taught using Lion King, it's sequels and spin offs. I am in no way affiliated with The Walt Disney company. They own all the rights to The Lion King.

I hope you enjoy my site